AbbVie Privacy Notice

Effective Date: 09/27/2023

As part of this research, you will be required to use a smart phone with a front facing camera to self-capture photographs through an app. For more information on the personal data categories collected, the purposes for their collection, the disclosures to third parties, your data subject rights including how to access the personal data from the study doctor, and our data retention criteria, please refer to the Informed Consent Form you signed to be part of this research.

TrueDepth API

Our apps make use of automatically collected information using the device camera and the TrueDepth API provided by Apple. The only use of this information is to track the user's head and face so that the user can control the AR experience and the selfie filters by moving their device and their head. None of the information collected by the TrueDepth API ever leaves the user's device. Pointclouds from the TrueDepth are stored for local calibration to enhance the experience for the user. This Information can be removed by deletion of the application on the user's device.